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Are NFTs Entertainment’s New Fan Engagement Tool?

An engaged fanbase almost always equals more revenue. Think of everything from the early fan clubs for boy bands to the streaming parties run by groups of fans online in the present day. These sorts of efforts often lead to greater visibility for the project or artist in question and ultimately, more sales.

As such, entertainment companies have worked for decades to engage fans, whether this is through contests, giveaways, limited edition products, and so on. As we enter the web3 era, NFTs are fast becoming the new way by which companies create fan engagement.

Why NFTs?

With all the different mediums that can be used to secure fan engagement, why are NFTs in higher demand these days? Firstly, they are very popular among the youth. While practically every age demographic can be fans of a project or entertainer, young people have historically been the most passionate fanbases. As such, leveraging a digital tool that they are the biggest consumers of makes sense.

After all, a 20-year-old is more likely to buy an NFT collectable than a 50-year-old. Then there is the ease of distribution among fans. In the past, fans would have to buy limited edition items, for example, from a physical store or have them delivered to their homes. For entertainers or projects with fans in different parts of the world, this could create some logistical challenges.

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