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Movies That Keep Being Mistaken For True Stories But Really Aren’t

Movies that are based on true stories tend to generate interest because audiences are drawn to the human experience, especially when it’s way more interesting than their own. Knowing this, Hollywood loosely throws the phrase “based on a true story” around even if most of the movie is fictionalized. As long as there are some elements of truth, it can be marketed as such and most of the time people won’t even realize how much is really embellished. The following movies are often considered to be ‘true stories,’ but are in actuality almost entirely made up.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Although The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was marketed as “based on a true story,” a majority of the horror movie classic is actually fabricated. The antagonist Leatherface is inspired by “The Butcher of Plainfield”, who was true-life serial killer Ed Gein. In calling The Texas Chainsaw Massacre a true story, the director was making a political statement about government lies used to cover up shady events that occurred during the 60s.



Fans of the period action drama Braveheart might be disappointed to learn that there’s hardly anything truthful behind this “true story.” It was Robert the Bruce, not William Wallace, who led the Scottish rebellion against England. Contrary to what the film alludes to, England ruled over Scotland only for a year prior to the dissent. However, the movie did win Oscars, so choosing fiction over fact served it (and countless other films) well.

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In the Fox animated film Anastasia, two con men try to pass off orphaned Anya as the missing Russian princess Anastasia who she closely resembles, so that they can claim the reward. Unbeknownst to everyone, including Anya, it turns out that she really is Anastasia. The real-life princess was executed and buried in an unmarked grave which led to many believe she was still alive. For years, imposters came forward claiming to be Anastasia. However, DNA testing revealed that bone fragments that had been discovered were in fact hers, finally putting that rumor to rest.


The CIA filming a fake movie in Iran is just about the only event in Argo that’s true. It supported the true story narrative by even having the cast pose in photos that were identical to ones with the real-life people in them, making it seem like the events were factual. The movie left out the significant role Canada had in the rescue mission’s success, instead giving all the credit to America. Tension mounts during the escape sequence as audiences watch Affleck and team continuously dodge obstacles that compromise the mission. However, that was not art imitating life, but rather art telling a lie, as the operation was an entire success without any of these complicated conflicts.


Disney made Pocahontas a household name, but the story they told was far from accurate. Not only was Pocahontas about 11 years old when John Smith arrived, her name was actually a nickname reserved for children. The famous Powhatan heroine’s true name was Matoaka. Whether she and Smith were romantically linked remains unknown.

Cool Runnings

Not a single character in the beloved underdog tale Cool Runnings was real. The team was actually comprised of army recruits as opposed to Jamaican sprinters. Similar to a 90s boy band, Americans George Finch and William Maloney hand-picked the team of would-be heroes. While the film showed them as targets of bullying, in real life the Jamaican bobsled team was accepted and liked by others.

Captain Phillips

Like many “based on a true story” films, there are conflicting versions of Captain Phillips, specifically Captain Richard Phillips’ true character. The movie depicts him as a selfless hero but those involved claim he was anything but that. His apparently reckless behavior was partly to blame for the attack and ultimately spurred a lawsuit. According to first mate Shane Murphy, he had no qualms with how heroic both he and Phillips came across in the film. Of course, would anyone have a problem about their being depicted in such a positive light?


While the beginning of Fargo claims the events of the film were real, the Coen Brothers attest to the entire moving being untrue. The story about a kidnapping plot that turns into a triple homicide actually stems from two different true stories. One story involved a General Motors employee who defrauded the company and the other crime inspired the wood chipper scene in which a body is disposed. The Coens merged those and other stories into their own original dissection of America for this droll masterpiece.

Related: Fargo: Is The Coen Brothers’ Movie Based on a True Story?


Although 300 Spartans went up against 300,000 Persians, the film 300 left out the additional 7,000 Greeks that helped the small force in the epic battle. It’s highly unlikely that Spartans would engage in battle wearing only leather thongs and armor other than a shield. Another inaccuracy is Leonidas using the term “boy-lovers” to emasculate Xerxes’ messengers. During that time, homosexual relationships were actually mandated.

The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness tells a heartwarming and inspirational story about perseverance, but left out some less than inspirational moments. Contrary to the film, Chris Gardner (Will Smith) did not invest his own money into portable scanners but served as an employee for a company that sold them. The film’s narrative also puts Gardner in a positive light as a man of character but failed to mention that his arrest stemmed from domestic abuse, not parking tickets. There was also a period of time when Gardner’s girlfriend, not Gardner, had custody of his son because he couldn’t provide financial support. Gardner also didn’t solve a Rubik’s Cube, but Smith did learn how to do it for the film. Essentially, the ‘true story’ is reminiscent of most working class peoples, struggling to stay alive and care for family, except this one locks in the rare happy story.

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