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Vibe Senior Journal: Week of Oct. 31 | Lifestyle

Vibe Senior Journal: Elianna

Simon Sanchez High School senior Elianna Cuevas’ art project.

Elianna Cuevas

Throughout this week, I’ve been working on a new project my art teacher assigned to our class. We first created a plaster mask as a base, and that was already a tough challenge for me.

I messed up on the sides and had to restart the whole process again because it was way too flimsy to work with. However, I finally succeeded on my second try.

It was so satisfying seeing it come out of the mold in one piece. After we created the base, we worked on constructing the outside features using clay, plaster, poster board and other materials.

My chosen theme is “memory,” and I’m planning on creating a mask on top of the base with a bunch of hands pulling it apart.

I want to convey the cliche message that even after everything I experienced in life, it continues to shape me into who I am today. I hope it turns out the way I want it to!

Vibe Senior Journal: Jemelllyn

Academy of Our Lady of Guam senior Jemellyn Borcione went to see Super American Circus at Pacific Islands Club.

Jemellyn Borcione

Last Saturday, me and my family went to go watch the Super American Circus at Pacific Islands Club. It was really perfect timing because I got to spend the night before at the hotel with my friends for a sleepover.

However, when my family and I arrived at the venue, we realized we got the time wrong and came an hour and 30 minutes earlier than when the event started. So, you could imagine how silly we looked being fully dressed in the middle of a water park filled with people still in their bikinis and tank shorts.

In order to pass the time, we went to the new dessert place called Ice Una Guam, which sells Taiwanese shaved ice. Since we only had a limited amount of time, we only ordered one shaved ice treat. It was called the mango madness and it was pretty good. Once we were done eating, we finally came back to watch the show.

To say the least, it was like I was watching a live-action of the Greatest Showman, which is kind of ironic considering how they did play a song from the movie during their opening. Dazzling lights and electrifying music created the mood for each performance.

My personal favorite part of the show was when someone rode a motorcycle up in the air on a wire. Me and my family were conveniently under the wire, so we were really able to get a good view of what was going on. What made the performance even more entertaining for me was the fact that my sister was acting hysterical because she was scared the guy would hit us because of how close the wire was.

Overall, the show was really fun to watch and I hope they can go back again to Guam.

Vibe Senior Journal: Kasey

St. John’s School senior Kasey Xu is aiming for a personal record in her last cross-country season.

Kasey Xu

Our cross-country season officially started this week! However, this year’s schedule is slightly different from the past. There are only four meets for our school before the All-Island race, whereas last year, there were at least 10 meets. Since there are only a few meets this year, it means that the season will go by rather quickly.

Over the past few weeks, I got shin splints and it has been pretty painful whenever I run. I had the same injury last year as well, so I’ve gotten used to running with the pain.

Hopefully, it’ll heal soon as the season progresses. As a senior, this will be my last cross-country season, so I hope to make the most out of the time I have left with my team and aim for a personal record.

Vibe Senior Journal: Miwa

St. John’s School senior Miwa Gudmundsen is smiling because her jack-o’-lantern hat still fits her head.

Miwa Gudmundsen

Since I was 3, I’ve had a jack-o’-lantern hat. My mom bought it for me so that I could wear it to pre-K for the entire month of October. I loved that hat so much. I would wear it with a light-up pumpkin necklace and orange light-up Sketchers to celebrate my favorite month and holiday.

Though my feet do not fit my light-up Sketchers anymore, I still wear my jack-o’-lantern hat every October. It makes me think of all the good memories I’ve made growing up, like trick-or-treating with my dad, or going costume-shopping with my mom the night before Halloween.

I’ll always keep the hat with me and will always be thankful for all the experiences I’ve had and will have whilst having a smiling pumpkin atop my head.

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Justine Xu

The St. John’s School Senior Class of 2023 is hosting a car wash on Nov. 10 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at the school’s parking lot! The seniors have just received these super cute tickets that were designed by people in our own class. All the money we raise will be spent towards our graduation next year, so as class president, I highly encourage everyone to buy a ticket or just drive by and get their cars washed.

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