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Retail giant signposts supplements for menopause

The retailer is introducing the ‘Menopause Friendly’ symbol which will be displayed online and in-store alongside products and services that may help with some of the signs and symptoms of the menopause. 

Over 35 products on boots.com​ will receive this symbol at launch, including supplements like red clover isoflavones and probiotics.

According to research by GenM​, only one-third (36%) of menopausal women find it easy to navigate menopause-friendly

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products in-store. Nine in ten (91%) have never seen any marketing for them, and 90% wish brands were more inclusive to the menopause. 

Heather Jackson, co-founder of GenM said: “We are delighted to launch this menopause-friendly symbol and are grateful to Boots for partnering with us, taking the first step in this industry changing initiative.

The collaboration comes after NutraIngredients-Europe and Cosmetics Design-Europe hosted a webinar​ focused on the importance of catering for those going through the menopause.

Millie Kendall, CEO at the British Beauty Council, said during the webinar that these women do not need new products but do need to be told what is currently on the market for them. Discussing supplements that might be helpful, she said gut health and sleep were definitely two areas where she could see supplements benefitting these women. 

“I don’t want to take a sleeping pill, I want something that is going to help me to drift off to a natural slumber so I can see an opportunity for supplements there.”

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Jackson adds that the aim of this GenM initiative is to ensure women have a better understanding of the symptoms associated with menopause and the products they can take to ease them. 

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