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‘Glee’ star and Texas native Kevin McHale calls ‘Celebrity Drag Race’ a ‘celebration of queerness’

Actor Kevin McHale, known for ‘Glee,’ transformed into Chick-Li-Fay on ‘RuPaul’s Secret Celebrity Drag Race.’

Photo: VH1

Chic-Li-Fay seemed a lock for the finale of “RuPaul’s Secret Celebrity Drag Race.” The feisty queen, who was brought to life by “Glee” star Kevin McHale, proved adept at dancing, shantay-ing and even held her own in a diva duet with Violet Chachki.

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But this is “Drag Race,” y’all We’re never quite sure what to expect. Chic-Li-Fay was sent packing a week before the finale, leaving TV stars Mark Indelicato (Thirsty Von Trapp), Tatyana Ali (Chakra 7) and Backstreet Boy AJ McLean (Poppy Love) to werk it out for the crown.

Texas native McHale, who is from Plano, spoke about enduring high heels, impersonating Celine Dion and loving Houston-based business Wigs and Grace.

I imagine there’s some sort of expectation going into this. What was that like vs. the reality?

Yeah, there was quite a difference. Being at a dance studio felt very familiar. That felt good. My expectation was, “It’s gonna be a lot of work. We’re gonna rehearse. We’re gonna dance.” I watch the show regularly, so I felt like I had a pretty good grasp on anything they may throw at you. But then next thing you know, you’re getting your head measured for wigs. You’re trying on corsets. You have tits. Within 20 minutes, you’re like, “Oh, I have no idea what I’m doing.” The heels they kept trying on me wouldn’t fit. I was like, “I am so screwed. I am in so much pain already.” I was only thinking about the drag of it all, but really the best, most meaningful part of it, and the most liberating part of it, was being able to be surrounded by this entirely super queer, diverse crew of people behind the scenes and in front of the camera. That made it all so much easier and celebratory.

So it sounds like it was a big party backstage.

Everything just felt celebratory. Like putting on these insane, ridiculous wigs, who are based in Houston, by the way. Houston girls doing the wigs. It was a full family affair. There’s no way, unless you’ve done drag or something in “Drag Race” world before that I think your expectation is going to be met. There’s no way to know what it’s like.

Had you done drag before this in any capacity?

No, absolutely not. I had no idea what I was doing.

Where did your confidence come from? You really looked like you knew what you were doing.

I do think a lot of that just has to do with being a performer. AJ (Mclean) came out guns blazing, and he’s one of the best performers ever. I do think the ability to just be ready to go and know how to perform in front of an audience feels sort of ingrained in me. Like Jenna (Ushkowitz), she’s been doing theater since she was eight or something crazy like that. But I do think there’s something about being in drag that adds that extra layer of freedom. Like, this is how I dance in my house when we have parties with my friends, where you don’t care how ridiculous you look. I think I just let myself do that automatically. and I don’t know why. There’s nothing I love more than being ridiculous with my friends and also performing onstage, so let me just do all of that at the same time. But also in a corset and heels.

Actor Kevin McHale, known for ‘Glee,’ transformed into Chick-Li-Fay on ‘RuPaul’s Secret Celebrity Drag Race.’

Photo: VH1

What was the most uncomfortable part of doing drag?

So much of it. Performance days, we would get there at 6:30, 6:45 in the morning and start getting our face done. But we wouldn’t start shooting until 4 or 5 p.m. We were in various states of discomfort very early in the day. I think probably, though,  the heels. I never got used to it. I ended up wearing the same pair of heels for like four of the performances. I broke several pairs of heels, and I think I was just dancing too hard in rehearsals. Or they tried to give me super high heels. I’m trying to get down. I’m going to bust my ass in these tiny little heels. I’m not Beyonce. I don’t know how to do this yet. I was always so pissed because, AJ, I can’t imagine him complaining about anything. He’s always just so happy to do whatever. We didn’t know what each other were wearing until actual showtime. I’d see him, and he’d be in some crazy high heel thing. How are you doing that? 

I didn’t expect there to a Snatch Game.

Ugh, God.

People now know who you are and you’re having to impersonate a celebrity.

It was awful. It was as bad as you think it would be. Celine Dion wasn’t even my idea! I don’t do impersonations. I’m not a comedian. We were all freaking out. All of us. We were all having a full meltdown. I think Celine was like my 12th option. But it didn’t matter who I did. I was always going to be scared, and I was always going to be mediocre at best. When it was over, in my head, I thought, “Oh, I didn’t completely bomb. That’s a win.” My bar was very low for myself. I don’t think I’ll ever watch it. I’ll make my boyfriend watch it. Mark (Indelicato, Thirsty Von Trapp), and I were across the hall from each other. I went into his room and he was fully having a meltdown on his couch. I’m like, “You’re the funniest one here.” And obviously murdered, so good. I felt like a proud mom. At least one of us is killing this. I was just watching Mark and enjoying it.

Who was your first Snatch Game choice?

I wanted to do something like Mary Magdalene. My first one was Kermit the Frog but trademark. I wanted to be like slutty Kermit, like bad Kermit, smoking cigarettes and things, because my voice already sounds like that. I couldn’t get away with it because I don’t have the pull. I thought Lana Del Rey would’ve been fun. Regardless of who I did, I was not going to be good.

You’re originally from Plano. What comes to mind when you think of Texas and Houston, specifically?

Humidity. Now, it’s Wigs and Grace, our girls who did the wigs. Gloria and Tyler, who did the wigs, I have to go visit them. They said they’d show me around, see the queens in Houston, take me out. I will do that at some point. 

What’s your takeaway from your time in drag?

I think ultimately I take away the liberation and freeness to fully be whoever I want at all times. Being around Brooke Lynn (Hytes) and Jujubee and Monet (X Change), and honestly all the different departments, was such a celebration of queerness and diversity. It felt so good and comfortable. And also, to be able to be successful in a drag performance, you have to push yourself to extreme degrees in every way. Once you experience that, you don’t forget it. I remember even walking around my house or down the street, I was walking differently. I just feel like something was untethered or unleashed in a great way that is not gonna go back. I think being able to be that fully formed, gay-ass human is now something I need to maintain or build upon.

  • Joey Guerra

    Joey Guerra is the music critic for the Houston Chronicle. He also covers various aspects of pop culture. He has reviewed hundreds of concerts and interviewed hundreds of celebrities, from Justin Bieber to Dolly Parton to Beyonce. He’s appeared as a regular correspondent on Fox26 and was head judge and director of the Pride Superstar singing competition for a decade. He has been named journalist of the year multiple times by both OutSmart Magazine and the FACE Awards. He also covers various aspects of pop culture, including the local drag scene and “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”

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