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How to keep your pets cool in scorching heat | Lifestyle

LOS ANGELES — During the summer months when temperatures are hotter than normal, it’s important to take extra precautions to keep yourself and your loved ones cool — this includes your furry friends.

“One thing that I always like to talk to my pet parents about is, ‘If it’s too hot for us, then it’s definitely too hot for them,'” says Dr. Phillip An, small animal general practitioner and owner of Sunset Veterinary Center, which is slated to open in September in Diamond Bar, California. He notes that pets — particularly cats and dogs — don’t have as many sweat glands as humans. Instead, they primarily regulate their temperature through panting.

But placing your pet in hot conditions, such as by taking them along on a lengthy hike on a warm, sunny day, can lead to life-threatening and sometimes fatal consequences given that heat exhaustion can progress to heatstroke in just a matter of moments.

“Our pets, especially dogs, can be so loyal that they won’t show any discomfort until it’s too late,” says Dr. Jennifer Hawkins, a veterinarian who is the executive director for the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association (SCVMA), which is based in Cypress. “So whether you’re throwing a ball in the middle of a hot day and you might feel OK, you may have a dog that’s going to keep going after that ball until they suffer heatstroke.”

She adds, “That’s where I think pet owners may not realize that while we know we’re starting to feel uncomfortable and we can go inside and get some water and cool off, our pets may not let you know until they’re sick.”

Hawkins notes that temperatures don’t have to reach triple digits for your pet to overheat, so pet parents should become more mindful of these potential dangers when temperatures are as low as 80 degrees.

Among the most vulnerable pets to suffer from heat-related complications are dogs that are very young and old and short-nosed dogs such as pugs and bulldogs — which are especially popular in Los Angeles — because they can’t breathe as easily as those with longer noses. Pets with medical issues also face higher risk of heat-related illness, along with other small mammals like rabbits and guinea pigs.

“If you have a rabbit, chinchilla or guinea pig … they are very sensitive to the heat and they can die inside the house if it gets to be 85 or 90 [degrees] and there’s no movement of air,” says Dr. Clyde Pitts, owner of Studio City Animal Hospital.

It can stay hot in L.A. even after August — here’s how to keep your animal companions cool in the heat and how to spot signs of heatstroke, according to local veterinarians.

1. Never leave your pet alone in a parked vehicle

Los Angeles is one of the most dog-friendly cities in the country, so it’s understandable that people like to bring them along whenever they can. But on hot days, experts recommend that you leave your dogs — or any pet — at home.

Veterinarians say that in the event that you have to bring your pet along with you, you shouldn’t leave them alone inside a vehicle under any circumstances. Leaving the air conditioner running, cracking windows or only being away for a few minutes aren’t sufficient protections as temperatures can rapidly rise to dangerous levels inside a vehicle.

“It’s just not worth the risk to their health and safety,” Hawkins says. “It can only take a few moments with mild weather outside for the car to reach unbearable temperatures, much less the heat that we’re experiencing right now.”

2. Limit exercise and outdoor activity

There’s a reason that many humans opt to exercise in the morning when it’s cooler outside or in the evenings when the sun is setting. This ideology should be applied to your pets as well.

Experts say you should limit exercise and outdoor activities, such as walks and playing at the dog park, to the coolest times of the day. This is particularly important for dog owners because asphalt — common on L.A. roadways — can quickly heat up. If a dog walks onto a hot surface, it can severely burn their paw pads.

“That can be very painful for them because now they’re walking around basically with large blisters on their paws,” said Dr. Julio López, a board-certified specialist in veterinary internal medicine and owner of Encino Veterinary Center. “So I think it’s one of those things that we as people don’t really think about because we wear shoes.”

A common tip that veterinarians tell pet parents is to test the ground before taking them outside. You can do this by placing the back of your hand on the ground for about five seconds. If it feels too hot for you, then it’s definitely too hot for your pet. If your dog, for example, has a history of getting burns on their paw pads, you might want to consider purchasing them dog booties to use during walks.

It’s also critical to adjust the intensity and duration of exercise on hot days. “Stop frequently to give them a rest because they’ll try to keep up with you,” says Pitts. “They’re very loyal [and] they love us even though they’re overheating.”

3. Provide ample water for your pet at all times

It’s always important to have fresh water readily accessible for your pet, but it’s especially vital on hot days. Experts suggest having multiple spill-proof bowls for your pets and  making sure they’re placed in shady areas.

And if you’re taking your pet outdoors, it’s wise to bring more water than you think you need and to make sure they get a drink before you head out the door. Pet parents can also consider purchasing collapsible travel bowls, which often have a clip, making them convenient to carry.

4. Keep your dogs in cool, shaded areas indoors or outdoors

Whether your pet is inside or outside — for a limited amount of time — at your home, many veterinarians say it’s best to keep them in cool, shaded areas. Owners of rabbits, guinea pigs and other animals that are typically kept in cages should also avoid placing cages in direct sunlight. Also, hot air rises so it’s best to place cages on a low surface. Placing a cold or frozen water bottle in the cage can help keep pets cool. If you don’t have an air conditioning unit in your home, you can use fans to keep air flowing.

There’s an array of products, like cooling mats and vests, that pet owners can purchase to provide comfort for their pets, but many experts say they aren’t mandatory.

“Keeping your pets cool — aside from your energy bill — should be relatively inexpensive,” Hawkins says. “There’s a lot of great novel products like cooling beds, but they’re not required. A simple fan [and] using the shade are great ways to keep pets comfortable.” She notes that some pets, like rabbits, also don’t tolerate rapid temperature changes.

She adds, “You just want to keep them cool. You don’t have to keep them cold.”

5. Watch for signs of heatstroke

Heatstrokes, the most severe heat-related complication, typically occur when a pet’s body temperature exceeds 104 degrees. Common signs include excessive panting and drooling, discolored gums (no longer a vibrant pink color), vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy. Pets may even collapse or go into a seizure.

“It starts off with simply an increase in their heart rate and they start panting … very, very subtle,” An says. “But if a pet parent is able to catch it early and [the pet hasn’t] been in this stressful environment long enough, it may not turn into these terrible sequence of events that in some cases can end up being fatal.”

If your pet shows any of these signs, experts recommend contacting your local veterinarian to seek medical advice. In the meantime, you can apply tepid water to the sparsely furred areas of their skin (belly, groin area, armpits and paws) and place them in a cool area.


©2022 Los Angeles Times. Visit at latimes.com. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Back-to-school anxiety

(ATTENTION EDITORS: 1 photo accompanies this column.  FILENAME: LIFE-HEALTH-SCHOOL-ANXIETY-TB.jpg)

Mayo Clinic News Network



DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have two sons, ages 5 and 14. My eldest is always excited to start school and have new adventures. My younger son will begin kindergarten this year. Although he went to day care part time, he has begun to express concern about being away from me all day and is showing increased anxiety as we talk about school. How can I help him be less anxious?

ANSWER: Getting ready for a new school year can be exciting for children, parents and caregivers. It also may be a major cause of anxiety or stress.

Most people get nervous when they face change. Whether kids are heading off to elementary school, high school or college, leaving the safety and familiarity of home can prompt feelings of fear.

One of the most helpful things you can do is reassure your son that what he is feeling is normal. Separation anxiety happens to many people of all ages. Then, as much as possible, help him gradually gain exposure to, and get comfortable with, going to school.

Try to get a sense of what it is about school that makes your son nervous. Is he concerned about making new friends? Is he concerned about the teachers? Is he worried about the class work? Is there something new that may be causing anxiety, like riding a bus? Sometimes just being able to talk about those details and put the nervousness into words can help a child who is feeling anxious.

Continuing to show love, support and warmth can go a long way. Share with your son an experience you had when you were anxious about facing something new. Talk to him about how you handled the situation. Ask your older child to share some experiences and how he overcame his fears. Doing this will let your younger child know that he is not alone in the situation, that it is OK to be nervous, and he can get through it.

Talking to your son about what his school day might be like and preparing him ahead of time by doing things such as visiting the school and meeting teachers can be beneficial. Taking a tour ahead of time of his classroom, the playground and even the bus stop can help. If your son is nervous about getting on the school bus, call the transportation department to see if he can meet the bus driver early.

Another idea is to find social opportunities with other incoming kindergarten students. Reach out to parents of children in your neighborhood who will be going to school for the first time. Then plan a social gathering at a local playground.

Also, develop a routine in advance of school. Begin to wake up early and get ready on time. Also, consider practicing some schoolwork. You can get your older child involved in sharing his thoughts about what was the best part of school when he was that age.

Lastly, begin by spending some time away from your son. Maybe it is a 30-minute outing to grab coffee by yourself while your child stays with his older brother or having your child go to a friend’s home for an hour. Then slowly increase the time so your son has an opportunity to feel comfortable being away from you for longer periods of time.

All of these steps will help him know what to expect, prepare him gradually for what school will be like and ease the transition. This approach is based on one of the core principles of treating anxiety. That is, when you are frightened of something that is not dangerous, you need to have practice dealing with the source of your fear until it becomes routine or boring. You cannot be talked out of anxiety. You need exposure to, and experience in, dealing with the situation.

If your child is resistant to the attempts you are making, or if his anxiety does not decrease even after you have taken these steps, talk with your pediatrician or primary care provider about seeing a health care professional who can help. Anxiety is a normal part of life that cannot be completely eliminated, but many successful strategies can reduce anxiety and how often it causes problems. — Dr. Stephen Whiteside, Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota 


©2022 Mayo Clinic News Network. Visit newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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