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10 Ways Ginny Weasley Is Better In The Harry Potter Books Than The Movies

Ginny Weasley was one of the most beloved Harry Potter book characters, but many fans felt the film adaptations’ writers and directors didn’t do the character justice. While movie Ginny added little to the plot, book Ginny brought humor, sass, intelligence, and skill to each scene she was in.

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Due to movie time constraints, the creators couldn’t truly flesh out anyone’s character other than the main three, but the books went into much further detail. Therefore, book Ginny brought much more to the table than movie Ginny.

10 Ginny Was One Of Hogwarts’ Best Quidditch Players

Ginny tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team at the start of her fifth year when Harry was captain, and her brother Ron was the Keeper. She made the team and scored several goals during her first match. After that, Ginny made up for all the confidence that her brother lacked on the Quidditch pitch.

The young girl quickly became one of Hogwarts’ best players. While Harry was in detention, Ginny filled in as Seeker and helped Gryffindor reach Quidditch Cup victory. While Quidditch takes a back seat in the films, it’s much more prominent in the books, which allowed Ginny’s natural talent to shine.

9 She Had A Better Sense Of Humor

Movie Ginny may have had a great sense of humor, but fans never saw it. On the contrary, book Ginny was hilarious and was often ready with a sassy comeback, especially for one of her many brothers or Harry.

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During The Order of the Phoenix, Harry’s visions of Voldemort caused him to shut everyone out. Ginny told him that was stupid because Voldemort also possessed her, and she knew how it felt, to which he replied, “I forgot.” She returned with a sassy yet sad one-liner and said, “Lucky you.” She was never one to shy away from a confrontation or speak her mind.

8 Her Relationship With Harry Developed Over Time

Even in the movies, Ginny clearly had a crush on Harry from the moment she met him. But while she seemed to have an unrequited school girl crush for a while in the films, she quickly moved on in the books. During her fifth year, she dated Dean Thomas and seeing them kiss made Harry realize his deep feelings for her.

Their relationship developed over time, progressing from familial to friends and eventually forming a beautiful romance. While it seemed random and didn’t make much sense in the films, Harry and Ginny were perfect together in the books.

7 Ginny And Hermione Were Much Closer

Ginny and Hermione quickly bonded around the Weasley home and at school. As the only two girls at the Burrow, they stayed in Ginny’s bedroom, sharing secrets and helping each other through tough times. They even advised one another about their crushes on Harry and Ron.

Unfortunately, fans didn’t see much of their friendship in the films, so it seemed they were just acquaintances. However, they had one of the most wholesome friendships in the franchise and loved each other like sisters. Coincidentally, they actually became sisters later in life, when Hermione married Ron.

6 The Bat-Bogey Hex Was Extremely Impressive

Ginny first used her signature hex on Draco Malfoy while trying to flee to the Department of Mysteries. The Bat-Bogey Hex turned his bogeys into bats that flew out his nose. Additionally, the following year, Zacharias Smith repeatedly questioned Ginny about the Battle of the Department of Mysteries on the Hogwarts Express, so she hexed him with Bat Bogeys.

The spell was challenging to execute on a moving target and could potentially be fatal. Therefore, when Horace Slughorn spotted her, she thought she would be in trouble. Instead, her skill impressed him, and he invited her to join his Slug Club, a group of the most exceptional Hogwarts students. Unfortunately, this hilarious spell wasn’t in the films, and they didn’t showcase Ginny’s talent.

5 Ginny Had Great Chemistry With The Other Characters

To no fault of Bonnie Wright, movie Ginny lacked any real personality and good chemistry with other characters. However, book Ginny was charming and funny, which allowed her to quickly and believably make friends with everyone, including side characters.

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One of her most prominent friendships was with Nymphadora Tonks, who used her Metamorphmagus status to entertain the girls. At the dinner table at Grimmauld Place, Tonks often changed her facial features to funny animals, cracking Ginny and Hermione up. Book Ginny’s personality made it so there was hardly anyone she couldn’t win over.

4 She Wasn’t Afraid To Stand Up Against Her Older Brothers

Ginny was the youngest of seven kids in the Weasley family and the only girl. While all six of her older brothers would’ve done anything to protect her, they also frequently pranked her, especially Fred and George. Therefore, she had to learn to fend for herself to get what she wanted. For example, her brothers never let Ginny fly with them at home, so her Quidditch skills shocked Fred and George.

However, Hermione let it slip that Ginny snuck out to the broom shed and used her brothers’ brooms to practice flying. She frequently yelled at or fought with Ron and refused to let her brothers walk all over her. Unfortunately, movie Ginny wasn’t around her brothers enough to need to stand up for herself, so fans never saw her strong-willed nature.

3 She Held Her Family Accountable

While the Weasleys were the kindest and most loved family in the Wizarding World, they weren’t perfect by any means and made quite a few mistakes over the years. While Ginny loved her family more than anything, she wasn’t afraid to call them out and hold them accountable when they needed it.

When her older brother Percy abandoned the family over his job at the Ministry of Magic, it broke his parents’ hearts. Therefore, when he showed up at the Burrow for Christmas with Rufus Scrimgeour, she angrily threw mashed parsnips at him. She also frequently called Ron out for his hypocrisy and messed with Fred and George as much as they messed with her.

2 Ginny Didn’t Hide In Harry’s Shadow

While Harry and Ginny developed a relationship over time, movie Ginny spent most of her time obsessing over him. She hid in his shadow, only seeming to perk up when he noticed her, and all her storylines revolved around him. However, she shined on her own in the books, making them a great match.

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Book Ginny dated other people, treated Harry the same as anyone else, and even seemed to lose interest in him as she grew older. She was highly talented, intelligent, and popular, and her ability to stand out and not let the Chosen One overshadow her made her a great partner.

1 Dumbledore’s Army Protected Students From Death Eaters

Harry, Ron, and Hermione created the initial Dumbledore’s Army in their fifth year before Umbridge disbanded it. However, when the trio left to find and destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes, Ginny, Neville, and Luna reinstated the group. They recruited students, taught them defensive and offensive spells, and showed them how to protect themselves from the Death Eaters teaching their classes.

The group taunted the Death Eaters by sneaking out at night and spraypainting “Dumbledore’s Army, still recruiting” on the Hogwarts walls. They tried getting Godric Gryffindor’s Sword to Harry, but the staff caught and punished them. Unfortunately, the movies glossed over this storyline, reducing the considerable sacrifice Ginny, Neville, and Luna made. Still, their efforts kept Hogwarts students safe, hopeful, and together during a frightening time.

NEXT: 10 Times Luna Lovegood Proved She Was A Ravenclaw In Harry Potter

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