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“Beauty and brains”, Samantha Singh

Views: 210

Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2022. 12:38 pm CST.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of Breaking Belize News.

By Michael Singh: My daughter Samantha Singh has taken the brave step of contesting the Ms. Universe Belize pageant.  At first, as a dad, I balked at the idea of my princess becoming subject to the shallow judgement of masses that really do not know her worth beyond her obvious good looks.  As she took on this quest, however, and as she made me understand the depth of her conviction to use this highly visible platform to advocate for the things she believes in, I have come to realize that nothing will stop this amazingly capable and convicted woman from doing what she thinks is best to further the causes that she believes in.

From Sam was a small child, she always knew what she wanted.  While the beauty and the brains came naturally for her, it’s the strong conviction to her beliefs and her own values that have always driven her to succeed at whatever she puts her mind to.  Her drive compels her to travel this world in search of the things that make life better for those that don’t have a voice.  Her passion for writing has enabled her to transfer those discoveries into written works, and when she became dissatisfied at the lack of publishing options, she proactively led the effort to create Bent Pin Press, an outlet for writers like herself to publish their works.  In an effort to infect others with her love of writing and literacy, she recently engaged with the public library in Independence Village to renovate, furnish and equip spaces in that forgotten facility, in order to make them friendly to children.

Sam’s passion for writing is only the beginning of her quest to become the person she is today.  Equal to this lies a passion for food; not just the gourmet fare of celebrity chefs, but good healthy food that nourishes the body, that is sustainably produced and packaged, and that can be accessible by everyone. After attaining her second degree in culinary arts, she is now at the final stage of establishing her own market/café in Placencia due to open by year’s end.

Sam has always been a champion for a woman’s right to choose even before recent events have brought the topic back to prominence. She is a staunch advocate for tolerance and equality for all humans of all genders, choices, race, creed, religion, or color.  She will be the first to point out the biases in people on these topics, often using her writing skills to eviscerate anyone that dares challenge her vast knowledge of all topics that fuel her passions.  Not everyone appreciates young voices that argue as vehemently as she does, but that does not dissuade her from speaking (or writing) her mind.

As a contestant, she chose her platform to be environmental sustainability, and in particular a call to limit the amount of plastic that has inundated our world.  This love for nature came at an early age, from the massive number of excursions that she has been on, her comfort of being in the forest, on the reef, or jumping off a cliff into a cool river, or simply enjoying the moment felt from being in the presence of any animal, large or small.

As an ambassador for Belize, and as a modern role model for young Belizean women, we could not ask for a better, more rounded individual.  She has it all; beauty, brains, empathy, and an intense passion for the betterment of our world, and the ability to clearly communicate and advocate for those that don’t have a voice.

Go Sam!  I am so proud of you and who you have become.


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